SB 1383 Announcement to Customers

MVRS SB 1383 Announcement

On January 31, 2022 the following information was sent in an email to all of our customers about the new compost requirements in California.  Para español, use la herramienta de traducción en la parte superior de la página. Composting Now Required by California Law Starting January 1, 2022, residents and business are required to collect […]

10 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

Shop local helps reduce food waste

1. COMPOST IT If you aren’t set up for backyard composting, or self hauling, it’s important that you utilize your curbside compost service. In fact, it’s now the law. When organic waste is sent to landfill, it decomposes anaerobically (without oxygen) which creates methane a short-lived climate pollutant and one of the most potent greenhouse […]

New California Organics Law

Marin Organics Recycling

CALIFORNIA TO REQUIRE FOOD WASTE COMPOSTING TO LOWER EMISSIONS & COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE  Beginning January 2022, California’s short lived climate pollutant law (SB 1383) requires that every home, apartment complex, and commercial business in California collect their food waste, food-soiled paper, and yard waste separately from all other waste.  SB 1383 calls on the state’s 40 […]

PODCAST: Your Food Scraps Must Turn Into Compost By 2022, Says California Law

Compost SB 1383

Rising levels of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are causing a climate crises. When short-lived climate pollutants like organic waste (food scraps, food-soiled-paper, and yard waste) end up in landfill, they break down anaerobically which generates methane, a greenhouse gas super pollutant 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. In California, landfills are the […]

Experts Provide 30 Fixes for California Recycling System

Recycling Line Sorting Image

In June 2021, California’s Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets & Curbside Recycling released their first Annual Report with 30 policy recommendations to help improve the state’s troubled recycling system. The Report, which has been delivered to California legislators and regulators, includes recommended policies to increase markets, and reduce contamination and costs in the recycling system. […]

Recycling Is a Trip!

Recycling Is a Trip!

Have you ever wondered what happens with all the bottles, cans and paper in the recycling cart? Why trash in recycling is a problem? Or what’s even better than recycling? Meet Dave the Recycling Fairy, the star of Zero Waste Marin’s latest videos for young people and their families. Packed with whoa-worthy facts and cool […]

Help Mill Valley Launch a Reusable Lending-cup Program to End Single-use Waste

Community Cup Mill Valley

Single-use cups have a massive impact on our environment. Every year, Americans alone use 58 billion single use cups. That’s 20 million trees. 6.8 million tons of CO2. 12 billion gallons of water. 15 billion pounds of carbon. Plastics made from fossil fuels are a global health hazard. And our throw-away society disproportionately impacts low-income […]

Lose Single-Use, Choose ReUseful!

Ditch the single use plastic

There are better alternatives to single use plastic!  Nowadays, there are a whole lot of items – such as plastic bottles, utensils and wrap – that are designed to be used once and then thrown “away.” That may feel convenient, but there is a long-term cost. Many items cannot be recycled easily and those that […]

California Clamps Down on Plastic Exports

Did you know that California is the top exporter of contaminated plastic in the nation? Contamination occurs when anything from food waste to the wrong kind of plastic is bundled with truly recyclable plastic. This contaminated recycling is then often sent oversees to poor countries who lack infrastructure to manage it.   To read more about […]

12 Ways to Cut Down on Food Waste

Ways to Cut Down Food Waste

If you’re like us, you’re cooking a lot more at home these days and you’re probably producing more food waste as a result. Before you put that leftover food in your green Compost Cart, consider these suggestions from EcoWatch to reduce the amount of food waste you produce in the first place. Read the article: […]