Did you get our email about recycling?
On February 6, 2020 we sent an email to our residential customers with information about what can and can’t go in your recycling carts. We also answered some of the questions we get about plastic recycling, specifically in regards to plastic film products such as plastic bags and plastic wrap.
A good rule of thumb: if you can squish the plastic in your hand, it is not accepted in our curbside recycling program. That includes plastic bags!
Another key point form the email: keep it loose! Please do not put your recyclables in bags of any kind. Plastic bags are not accepted in recycling at all, and paper bags hide what’s inside and could keep otherwise recyclable material from being sorted properly. Please make sure that you empty your items directly into your cart for collection.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to review the email we sent, please do. Thank you for your cooperation!
If you need more information, about what kind of items are recyclable visit our Residential Recycling page.